Monday, February 9, 2015

The Hardest Part -- February 7, 2015: Elder Tenney's final letter from Argentina


This was the fastest week of my entire life. Really, It passed by SO fast. I feel like it was yesterday that I was writing to you guys. What an amazing last week it was. 

1st of all, a couple of miracles from the week. 

- Blanca's baptism. Last Sunday, Blanca was baptized. It was such an amazing day. She was so excited for her baptism and SO prepared. I think in total, we only taught her 5 times. That is it. We literally only sat down with her 4 or 5 times, because she is only in her home on some Saturdays and Sundays. So we taught her about the Book of Mormon and just prayed and prayed that she would read it everyday, and she did. And the Lord fulfilled His promise that she would draw nearer to Christ by reading it. We really did not do anything, the Book of Mormon did it all. And her baptismal service was so reverent and special. She even shared her testimony in her baptism. It was a beautiful last baptism in Argentina.

Baptism of Blanca

I am going to miss this city so much. 

Life in the jungle.

I really wanted to finish this last week strong and find people who would be baptized even if I wouldn't be there for the baptism. I was praying and fasting for that miracle. On Thursday, we were waiting on a corner for a member who was going to go with us to do some visits. Then a different member passed by and tells us excitingly, "Elders! How amazing that I found you guys! I lost your number, but I just stopped by my friend's house and she needs you guys to visit her." So she gave us the address and we went straight there. We then met one of the most incredible families. The mother's name is Alejandra. She has 2 kids, Pablo (12)  and Sol (16). We taught them about the restoration and they were so in tune. I wish I could tell you all about them, but it is enough to say, they are so prepared. They committed to be baptized. The Lord is so incredible. It humbles me so much how His mighty hand puts every person in exactly the right place at the right time. 

This whole week, I knew it was my last week, and I was working harder and smarter than ever, but it still didn't feel real. It still didn't register in my mind, "I am actually leaving next week." Which was kind of frustrating.  

Then last night, it was towards the end of proselyting, and we were sharing a scripture with Valeria, a member who recently starting going to church again and has just caught fire. She has taken us to at least 10 of her friends houses to share the gospel with them (another one of the Lord's many miracles). Anyways, we were sharing a scripture with her, and my heart was filled with amazement and gratitude for these incredible people who have so much faith. As my companion was finishing up the lesson, Delfy, Valeria's 5 year old daughter, touched my hand to get my attention, I bent down to listen to her. She had a serious face, and was anxious to tell me something. In the most sincere tone, she said, "por favor pueden quedarse a comer con nosotros? Por favor???"--- "Elder...can you please stay to eat with us? pleaseee?"--- My heart was filled with infinite love for this little girl and for her mom, and really for every precious soul I have met here. It was already late, so we couldn't stay. I wanted so badly to be able to say yes, but with tears coming to my eyes, I told her, "I wish we could, but we can't. We already have to go home." And BOOM. It hit me. It all felt real. I am really about to leave these people I love more than I can express. I felt the heartbreak as I heard the sincere words, "can you please stay?" 

So I am here heartbroken. I think of the converts from my mission and I can't even express my feelings. Words really can't describe it. I love these people SO much. I would do anything to help them stay faithful. Really, THAT is what makes the mission real. It is the people. It is not the badge or even my dedication, what makes it real, what makes it worth it is THE PEOPLE. I love them so much. It truly hurts like nothing I have ever felt to leave them. 

So it is almost all over, but it is not really over, I know this is just the start. I can't easily sum up all that I have learned in these last 2 years. Honestly, I think of it all, and the only image that comes to my mind is the Savior. If there is one thing I have learned about missionary service, it is that it is ALL ABOUT HIM.  It is all about Him, it is all thanks to Him, it is all through Him... It is ALL about Christ. He does it all, we just have to have focussed faith in Him and recognize His hand, and the miracles always come. Maybe they do not come when we want, but I promise that if we have focussed faith in Jesus Christ, they ALWAYS come. His grace is truly unfailing. 
I will forever be His witness and His servant. 

I love the people of Argentina. I love the Savior. I will forever thank my Father in Heaven for the blessing of being able to serve in Buenos Aires. These last 2 years I have literally been living the dream. Christ lives! In the name of Jesus Christ, amen. 

Thank you all so much for your prayers, love, and support over these last 2 years...well 20 years. I am SO so blessed.


Elder Tenney

pictures: Baptism of Blanca

I am going to miss this city so much. 

Life in the jungle.

Saturday, January 31, 2015

This is the Life -- January 31, 2015


I cannot believe January is already over. Really, it has flown by so fast. This last month I feel like I have been running up backwards on an escalator, just doing everything I can to avoid getting to the bottom. As hard as I try, it just feels like it keeps going faster and the days grow shorter. But really, I hardly notice it. I don't have time to even think about it. The only time I do is at night before going to bed and when I write you, but it is completely overcome by the overwhelmingly blessed feeling of, "this is the life." 
I was sick most of this week. I had some stomach problem. So I was kind of out of it a good part of the week. I was in the offices Monday morning feeling just horrible. I tried to sit up and focus to try to get some things done, but I physically could not, my body wouldn't allow it. It was frustrating. So I sat down in a chair and pondered more on what I would be sharing in the leadership conference the next day, but not much came. So the whole day I was there kind of useless in the office. Then it came to 6pm, the time to leave. All day I prayed for the strength to get up and work, and at 6 o'clock, Heavenly Father answered that prayer. I felt His grace sooooo much. I got up and we went out. We had a member who did divisions with us so we were able to visit many people. The whole time, I didn't feel great, but I was doing it, and I know it is all because of Christ. When we finished the night, I laid down, and the pain came back over me. I laid there in pain, but so filled with gratitude that I could serve, and with that same overwhelming feeling of gratitude. 
The next day was the leadership council. All of the revelation I had been searching for and receiving the last month was for this day. I really felt like this was the last opportunity I had to really make an impact in my assignment as secretary, so I wanted to be prepared to do all that the Lord would have me do with this last opportunity. It was a sacred experience to receive the vision the Lord wants for the mission. Most of the things I did won't really make much sense to anyone not in the mission, but basically it is all for the purpose of strengthening the converts much more. It all went super well. 

We got up early one day this week to watch the sunrise from the roof.
It was incredible.

This is from a couple a weeks ago with Alex and his friend
who came out with me. 

So now, I am feeling better. The proselyting has been hard haha. This week we found an awesome couple who is married and want to be baptized. They committed to go to church and to read the pamphlet we left them. We passed by the next day, and I was super excited to see them, I was sure they had read it and prayed. Then, we knocked on the door... no answer... but we could hear people inside, so we knocked again... no answer. I left with the ever so familiar feeling of hearbreak for people who don't know what they are rejecting. I want so badly just to change them, just to make them understand... but that isn't my purpose. That is part of the work and part of the love. Even though it hurts and it is frustrating, my heart is filled with amazement that I get to feel this, that I get to experience all of this, that I get to do what the Savior does and feel what the Savior feels. So even in the times when it is really hard, when the people reject us, mock us, and it feels like I am making no difference, and the little voice of the natural man tells me it's not worth it, I am still filled with awe. At the end of the day, I still am overwhelmed with gratitude and that feeling of, "this is the life". And this is the greatest life ever, I don't refer to the life as a missionary, but the life of a consecrated disciple of Jesus Christ, this is the life because it is HIS life. And I know this is not the end of my pain and joy filled paradise life, because consecration is unending. And I am forever consecrated to Him and what He would have me do. 

So this next week will be the last week as a full time missionary. And it hurts, but even with the pain, I am completely calm, because I know it is not the end of being a consecrated witness of Jesus Christ.
I know that He lives. I know Heavenly Father lives. I have seen His perfect hand guiding His imperfect children (including myself) to be exactly where they need to be in the exact moment so that they may begin their journey unto Christ. I have felt the power of the atonement of Jesus Christ strengthening me EVERY DAY of these 2 years. I testify that every change that has been made in the lives of these people over the last 2 years is ALL because of Jesus Christ. He does it all. He is the power in the words I have spoken. He is the light that shines in the countenance of a transformed soul. He is the Savior of the world and the reason for everything good.

I invite all to come unto Christ, and to partake of the fulness of His gospel that is found only in His church, "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints." 
In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

I love you all so much! Thank you so much for all the love and support! 


Elder Heath Tenney

We got up early one day this week to watch the sunrise from the roof. It was incredible. 
This is from a couple a weeks ago with Alex and his friend who came out with me. 

Tender Mercy Filled Adventures Jan.24, 2015

Jan. 24, 2015

So this week was super crazy. It was so good. I really am living the dream. I am so overwhelmingly grateful to be here. This week was filled with adventures, miracles, and tender mercies. 
1st huge miracle of the week. So last Saturday, I started a fast for Blanca. She has been reading the Book of Mormon like crazy and has so many amazing questions. She has so much sincere interest and is super prepared. But she hasn't accepted a baptismal date yet. She is ready right now to be baptized and she wants to do it, she just doesn't want to commit to a date. So I started a fast for her that she could accept a baptismal date and be baptized. I prayed a lot for her. Then on Sunday, we did divisions and my companions went to visit Blanca. They told me of the spiritual lesson they had with her, and the spirit touched her, and she committed to be baptized this next Sunday! I am so happy for her. She is so amazing. Miracles from fasts.
We had a big mission activity for all the missionaries who are going home in the next few transfers to help us all stay focused and finish strong. We had Dan Clark speak to us. It was so cool. But in preparation, we got very little sleep, like 4 hours or something, so I was praying and praying for strength to be able to do all we needed to do and still be inspired by the program. And one word pretty much sums up my whole time in the offices, GRACE. His grace saves me over and over again. I had all the energy I needed the whole day, and even in the night during proselyting. 

So, the greatest adventure was on Tuesday. So we got up to take Elder LeBaron to the airport. Alex (President's son) came with me so I would have a companion after we dropped off Elder LeBaron. So we got to the airport, checked him in, then walked with him to the gate, but he had to check his bag because he couldnt carry anything after the surgery. The airline asked us why he had to check it, and we told him he had surgery and couldnt carry it...shouldn´t have told them that... haha. "Well, Im not sure you can fly without being checked out by the doctor. So they sent us to the doctor. And the doctor told us that with that surgery he can't flu for at least 20 days. :( So I did everything I could to try to let him fly, but my convincing powers were weak. So we called President, called his president, and we made 1 2nd plan to send him on a bus back to Resistencia. But we didnt have money to do that. haha. So we met up with President in Capital to get money. Got the money, went to the station (which is downtown and kind of sketchy haha). Parked the car, (which by the way is President's new car, a toyota corala 2015), and we went with him to the station. We waited with him, shared the gospel with some of the normal people there and some of the not so normal people haha. Then finally we sent him off. So we were relieved that now the craziness was over. I felt bad for Alex because it was just going to be an hour trip, but it turned into a 5 hour trip haha. So Alex and I walked back to the car. We get to the black where we parked, Alex looked up and asks, "where is the car?" We looked, and didn't see the car. "It has to be there. Yeah, it is probably behind that red car there. Yeah..." I told him. So we kept walking, and it wasn't behind the red car... My heart stopped. Presidents new car was gone. I looked up and down the street, to double check, but with no luck. It was gone. 
I walked into the business right in front of where we had parked and asked them about it. They told me, "Oh yeah! That white car out there. They took it away. It was towed." So I asked them where I needed to go to get it and they passed me the information. At this point I was just in shock, "Is this really happening?" I thought. But I wasn't really stressed, more than anything I just felt bad for Alex who was drug into this. So the adventure continued... 
I called Sister Ayre, and thought, "man, this will be an interesting conversation. What will I say...I thought..."Hey sister Ayre, how do I say this?...well.. you know your car?...yeah, the brand new one...Well, I lost it." haha. So I called here and she just laughed. She was soooo nice about it and just thought it was funny. 
So then we began the adventure to find this place. The good thing is we were in a super cool part of the city where there is an art museum so there are a lot of cool art pieces outside along the road. So it was even more adventurous. So we took a bus to the place where they said it was. Asked about 5 people for directions. Walked around the same 5 blocks like 4 times. And we still couldn't find it. But finally after another hour and a half, we found it! So we thought everything was good. Then we walked into the place and there was a sign that said, "To obtain your car, you must have the following documents... " And I had no idea what these documents even were. So I put on my "have mercy, I'm a gringo face" and stepped up to the counter, and told them the situation. They let me pass by to grab some things from the car, I gave them a pass along card then the documents I had, and it was enough to get the car!!! I walked to the car with my hands in the air, feeling like I just won the world cup. Alex and I celebrated. It was the greatest adventure ever. haha. Finally, we got back to the mission home, car and all. We were going to finish at like 11 in the morning, but we ended up finishing at about 9 at night. haha. But it was a day to remember. Alex was super good about all of it, we had so much fun. 

So, everyday is an adventure. A tender mercy filled, joyful adventure. 
Every night I go to bed thinking, "wow, this is the life." There is nothing better than this. I love the Lord. I know He lives!

Have a super great week!!!


Elder Tenney

The Spirit makes the most out of our circumstances January 17, 2015

January 17, 2015

Hey family! 

This was one of the most different, interesting, best weeks ever. So on Monday night, President told us that we would be receiving another companion, but from the Resistencia mission. There is an elder who needs surgery and the best health care in Argentina is a hospital in Buenos Aires. So he would be coming down here to get surgery. 
Luckily, we are in a great position to be able to help because we are in a trio. THe elder's name is Elder Lebaron. He is from South Jordan. He has 6 months on the mission. He is a great missionary. I was blessed to be able to be his companion to the hospital visits this week. 
So I don't want to think about going home, but at the same time I am mindful of it so that I can make the most of every second. I don't want to finish doing what I want or what is my favorite thing to do, I just want to finish constantly doing what the Lord would have me do. On Tuesday, we had to go to the hospital to do some tests for Elder Lebaron. This hospital is amazing. It is the only hospital in Argentina that is like it. It is like a nice hospital in the US. So we went on an adventure going from every corner of this gigantic hospital. I had decided beforehand, that I didn't just want to go along for the ride, but to be productive and make the most out of it. I was able to talk to many amazing people. I met a woman from Spain, a couple from Ecuador, and other Argentines. It was so cool hearing their stories and why they were there in Argentina. I loved being able to share my testimony with them and invite them to come unto Christ. 

The next day, we were in the offices, poor Elder Lebaron just had to sit there all day finding office tasks to do, but it was a productive day. 

Finally, Thursday was the surgery. I went with Elder Lebaron to the hospital. And they have strict rules that you can only have one person waiting for you in the waiting room. So he went into surgery and I was left waiting in the waiting room alone. It felt super weird, almost scary. But I survived. The Lord blessed me beforehand with a vision of what He wanted me to accomplish in this time I had to wait: The first priority, share the gospel. So I talked with a kind man from Lujan, Argentina for 30 minutes or so. He was worried about his wife who was in surgery. You could see the love he had for her in his eyes and in the worry he had. He was super catholic and wasn't very interested, but he as a good guy.  
2) I needed to use this time to ponder and receive revelation to know what we can do to improve the retention in the mission. I was out there for 5 hours, and for about 2 hours I just pondered and prayed to know what we can do. The spirit flowed amazing ideas into my mind and I wrote them all down. Sitting in that hospital waiting room alone was a spiritual experience. 
So I truly feel like I received everything the Lord wanted me to receive in that waiting room. It seems like having to wait in a hospital alone for 5 hours would be a waste of time, but the spirit blessed me with the vision to see what the Lord wanted me to do with this time. Then the spirit made the most out of my circumstances. 
So after the surgery, we went to the mission home, and I stayed there with Elder Lebaron these last 2 days. Again, the Lord blessed me His vision to know how I can best use my time. I came to a point when I couldn't think of anything, and I prayed to know what more I could do, and the Lord always helped me to know one more thing I could do to build the kingdom. It was so so fun to be there with the Ayre's yesterday and today. I love them so much. 
So yesterday, my normal companions were doing something in capital and they weren't going to make it back in time to work in the area. So I asked Alex, President Ayre's 16 year old son, if he would be able to go out to work with me for a couple of hours. He said he could, so he and his friend, Dallas came out with me on divisions to work. President let us take his car which was cool too. We first went to Elizabeth. We taught her about the restoration. It was so so cool to be able to teach with these two 16 year olds. Even in their broken spanish, they invited the spirit so much. When they told about the story about Joseph Smith, I felt the spirit so strongly. You could see that Elizabeth felt it. It was such a cool experience to have them as my companions for the night. I won't forget it. 

I am happy. I love being able to give every second to the Lord every day. These are the days I will remember for the rest of my life, I feel so overwhelmingly blessed to be here. I love you all so much! Have a great week! 


Elder Tenney

San Pedro--Jan.10, 2015


The weeks are flying by! I got the family Christmas card this week. That is a super great picture. 

This week we had to go on a trip to San Pedro, which is the furthest out area in the mission. We had to go there to get all the furniture and other things from an area that closed down.  It is like a 2 and a half hour drive there. So we got up super early and headed out. It was crazy. I felt like I left this mission for a couple hours. It was nothing like the craziness of Buenos Aires I am used to. We drove for hours through super green fields that seemed to go on forever. It really left me with awe. I love this country so much. I sat there looking out the window in amazement, and the thoughts just kept coming back, "I don't want to leave this place...I don't want to leave." I feel like the luckiest person in the world to be where I am doing what I am doing. 

One huge lesson I have learned from President Ayre is to enjoy life, to always take time for little things to make a memory, and make it a special experience. So after packing everything up in San Pedro, we stopped to take a few pictures. As we were there at this scenic view spot, I started talking with a couple of the people there. They were also from Buenos Aires, close to where we live. They were there visiting for the day. After talking a little with them, we learned that they aren't currently going to any church. They live close to the temple and know several members. They went to a lot of different churches, but never really felt right in the churches they went to. We shared briefly with them about the restoration and testified that this is the truth they had been searching for, and that Heavenly Father guided them to San Pedro and us to San Pedro to share it with them. They were really grateful and interested. So we got their address and will pass the referral onto the Elders there. So we took a picture for them of them 2 together (service that Mom taught me :) ) and went on our way. 

One thing I am learning from experience and from the examples of other amazing missionaries is that my calling and my purpose never change. It never changes, never takes a break, never loses importance, it is ALWAYS my purpose. So it doesn't matter if I am in not in my area, if it is Pday, if I am tired, If I have a million things to do in the office, my purpose is CONSTANT, and it is such a priviledge to constantly do my best to fulfil it. 

So I am working hard. I am loving every day! I love you all so much! Have a great week! 


Elder Tenney

la locura de los traslados Jan. 3, 2015

Jan. 3, 2015

Hey family! 
This week was a good week. It's been over a week since we last talked so a lot has happened. 
Let's see... first of all. TRANSFERS! So it was Monday night and we were doing a ton of things to get ready for transfers, this was the biggest transfer this mission has every had. On top of that there was a problem with the # of baptisms that Salt Lake had down for our mission, so I had to study up on that to see what happened. I also had to finish 60 baptismal records because it was the end of the month and year. So it was kind of hectic, but exciting. 

We finished up with that, then we went shopping for President because his wife was on a trip. It was super cool to just go shopping with President. He is one of my favorite people ever. Finally we got to bed, super late. Then got up super early the next day for transfers. At transfers, I am normally running all over the place, ordering more remises (taxis), calling to confirm plans for the new missionaries, answering everyone's questions, so it is a fun day. But this day, because of the holidays, there were way less taxis from the company that we normally use, and they didn't mention anything about that when we confirmed the plans with them. So we had like 60 missionaries outside of the church just waiting for hours for a taxi to get there. It was hot and a lot of people were a little frustrated, but I had in the office a huge box of this "sweet bread" that a man we work with gave me for Christmas. So I went out and gave it to all the people waiting for the taxis.. When I walked out with the bread, everyone literally started cheering haha. Finally everyone left. 


President also asked me the night before if it would be okay if he sent us an extra companion to the offices so that he can shadow me and I can train him to be the new secretary. So we have a new companion, Elder Zollinger. He is from Utah and he has been such a huge help here so far. It feels super weird knowing that my replacement is already here. I think I may know what Peyton Manning felt like when the Colts drafted Andrew Luck. Luckily, there is still so much to do, even with 2 of us, that I don't have much time to think about it. So I will just keep serving. 

 So in the offices, I am there all day at the computer, on the phone, filling out records, ordering food, taxis, buses, and whatever other things that are needed. So all day I am doing other things, then at 6:00, I have to leave all that in the office and put all my focus on being a missionary. Honestly, it is super hard sometimes. I feel like there is still so much to do that I don't even have time to leave and it is hard to keep my thoughts focussed on the people that so desperately need my help. Normally, it isn't that bad, but one day this week, I was feeling kind of un-animated (I don't know if that makes sense in English). So I was there on divisions with Ricardo, my convert from 3 months ago (who hasn't missed a Sunday since his baptism), and as we were in his car on the way to stop by some potential investigators, I just prayed with all my heart that 1) I could feel the fire and enthusiasm that I needed to do this sacred work, and 2) that we could find prepared people in this house we were going to. I was tired mentally, physically, emotionally, and everything inside me just wanted to stop, but I knew in my heart that was not what I really wanted. So I prayed and prayed to overcome the natural man. 
We went up to the door and we found Mario, who I had met a week ago. He was excited to see me and he said he had read part of the pamphlet we left him. He liked it. I told him about church and he asked me, "So on Sunday, do I have to go alone or can I bring friends with me too?". I told him, "of course can you bring friends! do you have any of them here with you now?" So he went and got his friends from inside, Matias and David. I shared with them a part from 3 Nephi 11, and asked them what they felt. Matias told me, "It says that if I really want to come unto Christ and enter into the kingdom of God, I need to be baptized." So I asked him, "Matias, will you follow the example of Jesus Christ and be baptized?" He responded right away, "absolutely. I need to do it." And his 2 friends were paying super close attention. They asked an occasional question, and I invited them too. They both were just as anxious to answer. I explained the whole process of what they have to do to prepare and the commitment that it takes and they were willing and excited to do it. They are all going to church tomorrow. :) 

I am constantly amazed by the Lord's continuous grace. He strengthens me more than I can ever realize. He is the light and the reason for any good that I do. I love Him. 

Have a super awesome week! I love you all!!!


Elder Tenney

Nacho! Who is getting baptized this week.

Nacho - Dec.20, 2014

Hey Family! 

Sorry, I do not have much time because we had to film a video with the office and President's family for the mission Christmas party this next week. We also had to do a few other things for the Christmas activity and then go to work. We have been super busy with that. It will be a lot of fun. So that is why I am writing super late (obviously with President's okay).

foto: wrapping 250 Christmas presents for the Christmas party

So this week, basically, I can sum up the miracles with one word, NACHO. Not the food, the person. So I don't know if I have told you guys about Nacho. He is 9 years old. He is the son of a less active family. He is so incredible. Honestly, he is smarter and understands more than the majority of the adults that we teach. 
Anyways, this week we were teaching him about the restoration and he just soaked it all up. At parts, we stopped to ask him questions and see how he was understanding. He explained things we had not even taught. I asked him "what is repentance?" and he literally gave an answer that was almost directly quoting Preach my Gospel. Yeah. From a 9 year old kid, In every lesson I am left with my jaw dropped in awe. 
After teaching him about the gospel of Jesus Christ and how we have to follow it to be able to live with Heavenly Father again. The next day he was told his grandma to stop saying bad words or she won't be able to enter into the kingdom of God. haha. Then we taught him about the book of Mormon. He ate it up. And the crazy part is, he understands it. We marked for him 3 nephi 11. Then the next day, he said he read it. But later in the lesson, we shared a verse from the end of 3 Nephi 13, and he paused us, "Wait, I already read that verse last night!" so we asked him what he liked, he responded, "It tells us that we need to humble ourselves and become as little children and repent. I like that verse." I couldn't believe it. So he had read like 6 or 7 pages all alone AND he immediately recognized the verse we were going to read. I feel the spirit so much and am so humbled every time I am able to teach him. He is so special.

So the only challenge has been his mother. She wants him to be baptized, but she says "in the future..." and she isn't exactly a huge support in terms of example of living the gospel. So we have been working with her and the ward too to strengthen her. On thursday, we did divisions with the assistants which was awesome. I went with Elder Wade to visit Nacho. After sharing an inspired part from the Book of Mormon, the spirit came flooding into the room. Heavenly Father prepared everything so that we could have that spiritual environment. We then invited to Nacho to pray and to ask Heavenly Father if He wants him to be baptized this Sunday (Nacho was already sure he wanted to, but more for his mom). So Nacho knelt down, waited a few seconds, and then said one of the most simple heartfelt prayers I have ever felt, "Dear Heavenly Father," he said "Should I be baptized this Sunday, the 21st? In the name of Jesus Christ, amen." Then he stayed there on his knees in silence...and waited.... no one dared break the silence nor interrupt the spirit that was working in each of us. After about a minute, I asked Nacho what he felt God wants for him. He responded, "that I should be baptized this Sunday." His mom, slightly in doubt, asked him, "Is this really what you want, do you really want to be baptized this Sunday?". He responded without any hesitation or doubt in his voice, "Yes. I want to be baptized this Sunday." We waited in silence again...and Nacho then repeated, "I want to be baptized this Sunday...I am going to be baptized this Sunday." he said it 3 times, and started to smile a little more every time. I think even the grinch couldn't have helped but be happy seeing Nacho's pure child joy. It was a sacred moment. 
After seeing the smile and genuine joy that came to Nacho's face, his mom was completely in agreement with Nacho's baptism. So Nacho is our miracle. He inspires me. He will be baptized tomorrow. :) 

I am happy. I am so blessed to be here in this sacred time. There is so much work to do. 

I love you all so much! I am excited to talk to you this week! Have the greatest Christmas ever! Share the gift!


Elder Tenney

el desafío es seguir transformando Dec. 13, 2014

Dec 12/13/14 1:05 PM

Hey Family!  

So this week was super great. I really love every day. Even when there are hard things, everyday is such a blessing. 
So last Sunday, it was a big day. We made visits to all the people we were waiting for at church, and in total, we were expecting 8 people, who we felt were really sincere in their commitment to attend. So we made plans in the morning to do splits with members to go get them all. In the morning, we passed by. First door... we knocked...and knocked... and knocked... and no one came out. Even thought we heard people inside haha. So onto the 2nd house...same thing. In the end, the same thing was happening to my companion who passed by the other houses. So these 8 people who were going to come to church turned into 0. So we went to church, without any investigators, disappointed because they weren't going to be able to experience the blessing of going to church. When we got there, there was a less active woman from our area who we had visited a few weeks earlier, Rosa. 
Lunch with the Lines (they are 2 of my favorite people in the world) 

We ate sushi here for the 1st time. It was kind of sketchy, but good!

Rosa was there with her neighbor, Blanca. So we met her, and we taught her. She is super special. She is from Peru. She has been to a lot of different churches, and she says she just feels confused after hearing so many different things. We taught her the restoration, and she understood it all. The only problem we discovered, was that she works in the capital during the week, and her cellphone is broken haha. So we wont be able to see her all week... hmmm...So I asked her, "Blanca, do you REALLY want to know if this is true?"..."Yes," she said. I pulled out the Book of Mormon, "If you want to know it is true, you just have to act. God has given us something super special so that we can each discover for ourselves if this is true. But you HAVE to read this if you truly want to know, because we wont be there during the week to remind you." She firmly committed to do it. So tonight she gets back, so we will see how she is doing. I trust 100% in the Book of Mormon. Honestly, if there was a way to just get the whole world to honestly read, ponder, and ask God about the Book of Mormon, there wouldn't be more to do. That book TRANSFORMS people as they search for the truth it contains. I think the most important thing in reading it, is not necessarily getting an answer, but is that in searching for the answer, we come unto the Savior and He transforms us. 

I am so blessed to be here. The Lord is blessing us with miracles. Even in my assignments in the office. It is not just a list of things to do, but opportunities for revelation. If I treat it in that way, the Lord can do things that change the mission. If I let Him guide me, the things I do in this position are not just chores, but opportunities to save souls. I know that Christ lives. He is the reason for any good that I do. 

have an awesome week! HE IS THE GIFT!!!


Elder Tenney

Lunch with the Lines (they are 2 of my favorite people in the world) 
We ate sushi here for the 1st time. It was kind of sketchy, but good!
This burger saved my life...haha. I´ll tell you when I get home. :)